Special Worship News:

Services are In-Person and are also Live-Streamed each week on our Facebook Page. 


Sunday, September 8th Bulletin for 8:00 a.m. Traditional Worship service

Sunday, September 8th Bulletin for 9:15 a.m. service Worship Express

Weekly Announcements

On Sunday, September 8th, we return to our regular worship hours. 

Traditional Worship is at 8:00 a.m. and Worship Express at 9:15 a.m.


Worship Express this year may look familiar; we will be following  a similar format to what we used for Family Express prior to Covid.  Songs will be “kid” friendly and shorter and one lesson will be read responsively with different groups of the congregation taking the parts of the different characters. There will be more visuals on the big screen, a Children’s Word and a shorter sermon.  We are looking forward to having our families back at worship!


Sunday, September 8:  Worship/Rally Sunday

I love Mark’s gospel.  It is always the women that Jesus encounters and   engages in conversation that push him to look at things differently and to expand his understanding of his mission and ministry.  It happens in        today’s gospel reading with his conversation with the Syrophoenician   woman.   His understanding of his mission and ministry is expanded.

Preacher:  Pastor Paula


Sunday, September 15:  Worship with Holy Communion

The gospel reading for today reminds us that God’s ways are not our ways.  Peter acknowledges that Jesus is the “Messiah”, but his understanding of “Messiah” is far from Jesus’ understanding.

Preacher:  Pastor Paula

Special Music:  Chancel Choir  and Richard MacDonald on clarinet


Sunday, September 22:  Worship – First Sunday of Stewardship – Ministry Fair

In the gospel lesson we are reminded that we as members of the church (Christ’s body) are called to serve.  What a great text for our Mission Fair.  Come early and check out all the booths and see how Christ Lutheran is striving to be Christ’s hands, feet and voice in the world.

Preacher:  Pastor Paula

Special Music:  Chancel Choir and Handbells


Sunday, September 29:  Worship – Blessing of the Animals

This is a fun worship service.  We celebrate the gift our four-legged creatures are to our lives.  Bring your pets to worship at 8:00 a.m. or 9:15 a.m..  We will be worshipping in the gym and towards the end of the worship services the animals will be  blessed.

 Guest Preacher: Pastor Scott Geister-Jones

Liturgist:  Pastor Paula
















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