Special Worship News:

Services are In-Person and are also Live-Streamed each week on our Facebook Page. 


Link to Live service

Sunday, December 8th Bulletin for 8:00 a.m. Traditional Worship service

Sunday, December 8th Bulletin for 9:15 a.m. service Worship Express

Weekly Announcements

Fall/Winter Worship Hours:

Traditional Worship is at 8:00 a.m. and Worship Express at 9:15 a.m.


Worship Express: Has kid friendly songs, the service is shorter in length because we have only one lesson read responsively with different parts of the congregation reading the words of the different characters in the text. There will be more visuals on the big screen, a children’s word and a shorter sermon.


Sunday, December 8: The Second Sunday of Advent – Worship

We continue our countdown to Jesus’ birth by lighting the second candle of the Advent Wreath.  From his prison cell John the Baptist wonders if Jesus is the long expected Messiah.  Jesus’ coming is God trying yet again the reach out to God’s people.  God is trying something totally new and different.  God trying again gives us all the courage to try again.

Preacher and Liturgist:  Pastor Paula Geister-Jones


Sunday, December 15: The Third Sunday of Advent – Worship with Holy Communion

8:00 a.m. – We are getting closer and closer to Christmas.  As we light the third candle of the Advent wreath we are told once again that God knows all our joys and sorrows and has the power to send our sorrows and sighing fleeing.

Preacher and Liturgist:  Pastor Paula Geister-Jones

9:15 a.m. – Sunday School Christmas Program

Christmas would not be Christmas without a Sunday school Christmas Program.  All are invited to come and enjoy!  This year’s program is entitled, “______________.”


Sunday, December 22 – The Fourth Sunday in Advent – Worship at 9:00 a.m.

On the Fourth Sunday of Advent we celebrate the fact that soon God will be among us in flesh and blood.  A birthday party for Jesus is being planned for the Sunday school children.

Preacher and Liturgist:  Pastor Paula Geister-Jones


Christmas Eve -Wednesday, December 24 (Three services : 3:30 p.m., 5:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.)

3:30 p.m.—A Children’s Christmas Eve Service

with Special Music, Joseph, Mary, Baby Jesus, lots of C



Holy Communion and Candle Lighting


5:00 p.m.—Christmas Eve Worship

with Special Music, Joseph, Mary, Baby Jesus and lots of Critters

Holy Communion and Candle Lighting


6:30 p.m.—Christmas Eve Worship  

Special Music, Communion and Candle Lighting


Sunday, December 29 – The First Sunday of Christmas – Worship with a Christmas Carol Hymn Sing

Christmas music is off the radio the day after Christmas, but the church celebrates the season until January 6, Epiphany.  10 days after Christmas tradition says the Wise Men finally showed up in Bethlehem to worship the new born king.

Preacher and Liturgist:  Pastor Paula Geister-Jones













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