Special Worship News:
Services are In-Person and are also Live-Streamed each week on our Facebook Page.
Link to Live service
Sunday, March 23rd Bulletin for 8:00 a.m. Traditional Worship Service
Sunday, March 23rd Bulletin for 9:15 a.m. Worship Express Service
Wednesday, March 19th Wednesday Bulletin for 6:30 p.m. Worship Service
Holden Evening Prayer
Winter Worship Hours:
Traditional Worship is at 8:00 a.m. and Worship Express at 9:15 a.m.
Nursery Available during Services including Lenten Services on Wednesday Nights.
Wednesday Lenten Services are held at 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday Night Lenten Meals are at 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday Night Children’s Church during Lent from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Gym
Worship Express: Has kid friendly songs, the service is shorter in length because we have only one lesson read responsively with different parts of the congregation reading the words of the different characters in the text. There will be more visuals on the big screen, a children’s word and a shorter sermon.
March Worship Schedule 2025
Traditional Worship at 8:00 a.m. and Worship Express at 9:15 a.m.
Sunday, March 2nd: Transfiguration Sunday with Holy Communion
Epiphany is the season of revelation. Through the scripture lesson we read we have
seen different pieces of who Jesus is. IF we still haven’t caught on to who Jesus is,
today’s lesson leaves no doubt that he is God’s Son, in the flesh, with us, here on earth.
Preacher: Pastor Paula
Ash Wednesday, March 5: “A New King… Who Didn’t Know Joseph”
The new Pharoah sees the Israelites as a threat to his power and takes action to neutralize that
threat. If that word “neutralize” sounds threatening, that’s good, because his actions go far
beyond cruel and coldhearted.
I invite you to read the following scripture before worship… Exodus 1:8 – 2:10
Sunday, March 9: Worship
Lent always begins with the temptation story of Jesus. Immediately after he is
baptized he goes off into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan for 40 days and 40
nights. His temptations are our temptations and granted, he is the Son of God, but
those temptations were as real to him as they are to us.
Preacher: Pastor Paula
Wednesday, March 12: “Moses’ Call Story”
It seems like no one in the Old Testament wants to be God’s prophet. Probably because prophets
do not get treated well. Moses’ reluctance most certainly stems from the fact that he will be taking
on Pharoah, the most powerful person in the world, and assumes he will lose in the end.
I invite you to read the following scripture before worship… Exodus 3:1 – 4:17
Wednesday, March 19: “Let My People Go”
Sunday, March 16: Worship with Holy Communion
Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem and the cross and nothing and no one will stand in his way.
Guest Preacher: Kyla Betts
Special Music: Chancel Choir and First Class Ringers
Wednesday, March 19: “Let My People Go”
God fights for a people who cannot fight for themselves. They are slaves. They are powerless.
Pharoah thinks he is a god. He thinks there is no one more powerful than him in this world. As
one plague after another is visited upon Egypt, God shows Pharaoh who truly is “God.” You could
read it as a story of tough love, unfortunately by the time Pharaoh “gets it” his country is totally
devastated. I invite you to read the following scripture before worship… Exodus 5:1 – 12:51
Sunday, March 23: Worship
“Why me?” is the question asked in today’s gospel. “When bad things happen to us are we to
blame.” “No” Jesus would say. But his “no” doesn’t make the “why me?” any easier to answer.
Preacher: Pastor Paula
Wednesday, March 26: “The Wilderness School”
The #1 thing God’s people learned out in the wilderness is that God will provide. In this part of
the Exodus story God provides manna from heaven. That manna will rain down upon them each
and every day for the next 40 years.
I invite you to read the following scripture before worship… Exodus 16:1 -31
Sunday, March 30: Worship
The gospel reading is the story of the prodigal son. IT is a great story and one that always leaves
us asking ourselves, “Are we the older brother or the younger brother?” and does it really matter
because their father loves both of them with an amazing love neither deserve.
Preacher: Pastor Paula
Wednesday, April 2: “The Gift of the Ten Commandments”
God gives God’s people the gift of the Ten Commandments. We often see is as a set of rules that
God demands we obey, but God’s intent was to give God’s people a guideline on how to live and be
free. I invite you to read the following scripture before worship… Exodus 20: 1-12
Wednesday nights during Lent we will have Children’s Church in the
gym from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. We will be learning about the life of Moses
through a short video and discussion, along with crafts, games and snacks that
reinforce that week’s Lesson. We will be following along with the same topics as
discussed in the Lenten services at a level for kids in 3K through 6th grade.
March 5th : Baby Moses and his harrowing journey,
March 12th: Moses is called by God
March 19th: Moses and the 10 Plagues
March 26th: Moses Parts the Red Sea
April 2nd: Moses and the Gift of the 10 Commandments
April 9th: Moses finds the Promised Land